Sunday 19 February 2012

Eurostar to Paris

  Its that time of year again, Premier Vision Paris!

 P.V. was as busy as ever and the show did seem more optimistic than previous seasons. A number of my suppliers were quite upbeat reporting a buzz despite the doom and gloom. So good news all round!
As usual, I found great fabrics and embellishments for the new collection - my selections will arrive in the next few weeks - can't wait!

Grand forum displays at the exhibition
Three 'stories' forecast for Spring/Summer 2013 were full / light, massive / supple and fluid / long and lean. Look out for lots of layering next summer with copious amounts of gauzy linens.
Pattern is still strong and some of the mills I work with were producing subtle ombre effects in plains as well as in print. Lots of chalky muted tones here but some fresh vibrant colours too.

Jardin du Luxembourg

No matter how many times I visit Paris I leave inspired and refreshed - I stay in the same hotel in St Germain each season and love the walk from my hotel in Rue St Andre des Arts to Luxembourg metro. 

Rue des Mèdicis

The building and doorway in this photo are so typical of Parisian architecture.

Au Nom de la Rose

I love just walking past Au Nom de la Rose, Rue de Tournon, it never fails to make me stop and smile ...... yes, really!

Hervè Gambs
Herve Gambs  Premium artificial flowers… or rather 'designer flowers', since everything is handmade. Rue Saint-Suplice.


'Opticien' a real eclectic mix of eye wear and accessories. Rue St Suplice 

Life style boutique in Rue de Tournon
Love this window - the colour mix is delicious

There seems to be a theme going on here...... just love the colour of this gorgeous little shop
on Rue Dragon.